Shabbat Sponsorship Form Sponsor Friday's Kabbalat ShabbatDo you have a simcha to celebrate or a person you would like to honor? A birthday, a first lost tooth, an academic accomplishment, a Torah chanting... any occasion will do! $18.00 supports the challah for each classroom and your honoree will be recognized in the Mah Chadash. **Orders must be placed by THURSDAY AT NOON or it will go in Mah Chadash and be announced at Shabbat the following week.Name of Sponsor(s): Email I would like to sponsor shabbat on the following date: MM slash DD slash YYYY I am sponsoring shabbat in honor of (Honorees Name): First Last Message to read (ex. birthday #, special occasion, torah reading, mazel tov): Help us cover the processing fees. YES! I want to add an additional 3% to cover processing fees. No. Mirowitz will cover the processing fees. Product Name Price: $0.00 Shabbat sponsorhip Price: Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name