Shalom! Welcome!

The 2024-25 school year is here! We are so happy to be spending our days with your grandchildren, and to welcome you to our Mirowitz family!  

We know how special it is for grandparents to be involved in their grandchildren’s lives, and how precious it is for them to have you in their lives. Whether you are in the same zip code or miles away, we want to give you opportunities to watch them grow.


Many of you have asked us how to make a gift to support our school in honor of your grandchild or grandfriend. There are several opportunities:

  • Recognize your grandchild at Kabbalat Shabbat with a shabbat sponsorship ($18) featured in Mah Chadash (newsletter). 
  • Contribute to Mirowitz’s Annual Campaign at any amount.
  • Become a Grateful Grandparent by giving $5,000 or more annually.
  • Support the Mirowitz Gala. See below!

Visit to learn more.


Grandparent/Grandfriend Kabbalat Shabbat and Rosh Hashanah craft. 

Date: Friday, September 27

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Gym and Mirowitz Wolf Beit Midrash

RSVP here! 

Mirowitz’s Annual Gala

Date:  TBD

If you are interested in joining our Gala planning committee, contact Raquel Scharf-Anderson here!

Weekly Opportunities:

Tuesday Morning T’fillah

Follow along with 1st – 5th grade students as they enjoy morning t’fillot! You never know when your grandchild may participate.

Every Tuesday from 8:45-9:15 in the Wolf Beit Midrash.

Thursday Torah Reading

Follow along as 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students lead the Torah service as Rabbis”. You’ll learn about the weekly Torah portion and gain insights into how our students use Torah to guide them in living an ethical life. The leaders call on other students to share their interpretations, and you never know when your grandchild may participate.

Every Thursday @ 8:45-9:15 a.m.

Friday Kabbalat Shabbat 

Welcome Shabbat with our school community, and experience the joy as Reb Scott and members of our local clergy share songs and stories. No RSVP needed.

In Person every Friday @ 3:00-3:30 pm or 2:00-2:30 pm during early dismissal Fridays in winter.

Location: Mirowitz gym

Are you interested in volunteering? 

  •  Help serve delicious and nutritious lunches to students.  Sign up here!
  • Be a reading assistant in the classroom (Hebrew or English).
  • Help in the office with mailings or other small projects.
  • Interested in something else? Share your ideas with Raquel at

Please make sure we have your current contact information (email & home address) so we can send you invitations for events. Please complete this form!

For questions about Mirowitz’s Grandparent Circle, contact Raquel Scharf-Anderson at 314-576-6177 or