נתינה ייעודיתdesignated givingPersonalize Your Philanthropy ▸Annual CampaignOur Annual Campaign raises funds for our yearly operational budget to keep the school running at a level of excellence.▸Scholarship FundEnsures that ALL who want a Jewish Day School education, regardless of income, have the opportunity to enroll▸Head of School Discretionary FundDollars from this fund are allocated by the Head of School as she sees fit, for the benefit of Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School.▸Cheryl Maayan Fund for Professional DevelopmentSupports Mirowitz faculty and staff who continue to enhance their skills and talents through development enhancement▸The David Green Memorial Arts FundSupports arts education at Mirowitz▸Carol Rubin Day for Music, Study and the Arts FundSupports a special day each year dedicated to Jewish music, study and the arts▸Arlene & Dr. Phillip Korenblat “Maimonides” FundSupports Mirowitz's innovative STEAM curriculum, and to purchase science and technology equipment▸Levin-Rubin Fund for Learning SupportProvides funding for specialists who address unique learning needs, and ensures that all students reach their potential▸The Miriam Pessin Endowment FundFunds scholarships for the 8th Grade Israel Trip▸Cantor Teacher FundSupports Mirowitz teachers, their professional development and classroom needs▸Betty Cohn Brown Fund for Learning Support Supports the needs of children who need extra learning support to reach their potential Questions? Contact Marianne Chervitz, Director of Developmentcontact Marianneמתן הזדמנויותgiving opportunitiesannual campaigndesignated givingplanned givinggalatributesTake the Next Stepgive now