Board of Trustees

The Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School board of directors has ultimate fiduciary responsibility for the school. In addition, the board members:

  • ensure that the mission of the school is pursued and upheld
  • provide guidance to the administration
  • serve as advocates for the school in the community.

The board meets monthly as a group, and additionally on subcommittees that make recommendations to the board regarding such areas as finance, buildings and grounds, development and strategic planning.

Executive Committee

Scott Levine

Vice President


Gay Goldenberg 

Members at Large: 
Lauren Cohen
Cyndee Levy
Wendy Rosenblum (Development Chair)

Immediate Past President: Dr. Diane Rosen

Head of School: Raquel Scharf-Anderson

Board Members:

Gerald Axelbaum
Paul Flotken
Michael Gartenberg
Matt Levison
Galia Movitz
Rabbi Scott Shafrin
Dr. Jonathan Shanker
Jeff Sparks

PTO Chair:

Past Presidents:
Stephen Arnstein
Ed Balk
Marc Bluestone
Fran Cantor
Betsy Gallop Dennis
Herbert Fredman z”l
Lester Goldman
Rob Granick
Dr. Barbara Green
Harold Guller z”l
Jim Guller
Maurice Guller z”l
Dr. Robert Hoffman
Missy Korenblat-Hanin
Sanford (Buddy) Lebman z”l
Leo Mirowitz z”l
Galia Movitz
Milton Movitz z”l
Marshall Myers
Michael Rubin
Earl Salsman
Dr. Arlene Stiffman
Dr. Garry Vickar
Bruce Waxman
Deborah Zorensky

Honorary Trustees:
Ellen & Jack Deutsch
Ken Kranzberg