Wonder what qualities are shared by Mirowitz teachers? For one thing, they are all curious, life-long learners who are always chasing knowledge and striving for excellence. Mirowitz teachers are committed to constructivist teaching theory — hands-on learning that leads to new perspectives and profound paradigm shifts. They nurture curiosity, creativity and collaboration, and coach students on their path to leadership.
Our teachers want for your children what you want for them, and see in them all the greatness that you see in them.
Mirowitz teachers are the guardians of your child’s days and will help your children become their best selves.
And on top of all of that…Mirowitz teachers are committed to nurturing a sacred parent-teacher partnership.
It is this very partnership that is key to every child’s success, and your children deserve no less! That partnership begins with shared goals, respectful communication and mutual pride in your child’s successes.
Our teachers can’t wait to spend time with you (via Zoom) on Curriculum Night next week. They will give you a glimpse into the daily life of your child, and share with you information that will shape your child’s learning this year.
Please plan to join us for the all-school curriculum night Zoom Monday from 8-9 p.m., and again for your children’s grade level Zooms.
Thank you for being our partners! As a team, we will shape your child into a leader who feels confident and successful, stimulated and encouraged, safe and valued. A year of meaning, growth, Jewish connections and joy awaits!
Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Cheryl