More Than A School
October 26, 2020
Mirowitz is more than simply a place where children learn to be mathematicians and scientists, effective writers and inquisitive readers. Intellectual growth should be a given at any school. But at Mirowitz, it is our intention that students reach their potential as learners and as...
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Sukkot: The “Time of our Joy” (even in 2020!)
October 12, 2020

“Go with the flow” is one of the class intentions posted on the fourth grade wall. “Adaptability” is one of the principles of our reopening plans that has made in-person learning possible. “Looking for opportunities” amidst transformational change has become our outlook on life during...
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Sukkot Reminds Us to Build a Better World
October 5, 2020
During Sukkot, we are instructed to spend time outdoors, no matter the weather, and connect with the rhythms of the earth. Immersing ourselves in nature inspires us, slows us down and helps us recall some important truths: We are part of something bigger than ourselves....
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