Fail Forward

December 15, 2014


Wondering what kind of educators would expect children to fail? Here at Mirowitz, we teach children to “fail forward. Innovators have to live with uncertainty, ambiguity, failure and resilience. They have to experiment by designing and re-designing and redesigning again. Their mistakes become stepping stones for success. As it turns out, failure is actually REQUIRED for innovation success, as long as you don’t fail to learn from it.Unknown-1

In every classroom today, children participated in STEAM activities, integrating the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Along with problem solving and creative thinking, your children practiced the skill of failing forward. “Whoops, that didn’t work, did it?” they were encouraged to say. And with a smile and an understanding that failing is a step on the journey of “figuring things out,” they tried again. Unknown

STEAM projects integrate skills and content from multiple subject areas, form multi-hemispheric brain connections, and infuse children with skills they will need to participate in the professional world they will inherit. On top of all that, STEAM is intellectually and creatively stimulating… and it’s just plain FUN!

STEAM projects fit so nicely with Mirowitz’s constructivist philosophy because they involve experience-based inquiry and problem solving. Students learn by doing. They are working while their teachers are the coaches and facilitators, lending encouragement, asking questions and pushing them forward.Unknown-3

Take a few minutes to see what your children accomplished while failing forward by watching this STEAM Day video!

Enjoy…and have a Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Cheryl