head of school blog


I see myself as the guardian of each student’s childhood, and am committed to filling their days with learning that is significant and meaningful. How do we do that at Mirowitz? Check back here weekly for a window into our school. I will post here on topics ranging academic excellence, meaningful Jewish learning and empowering children to make a difference.

– Cheryl Maayan

What will be YOUR Tekiah Gedolah?

September 16, 2015

The students of Mirowitz and I challenge you! During the ten Days of Awe, beginning on Rosh HaShanah and ending with the tekiah gedolah that brings Yom Kippur to a close, we want you to ponder this question: What is the big impact that you...
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Constructing Knowledge

September 6, 2015

It’s all over the news and the reason our legislators are taking a hard look at the state of our education program. Teaching to the test just doesn’t work. It results in unsatisfied teachers and a narrow curriculum…and rarely higher test scores.  At Mirowitz, our...
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