March 7, 2016

“Yasher kocheh, Stella! Mazel Tov, Jordyn! You were awesome!”  9X_t_Y47p-pi0ASlHk1NSLn9Ef87py5pNY7QBujkI6Mc_hsZqcOTzzdTKyHR20ekG9YlIzuYY2sO8eyjQ868FwezmO2_aLQjnLxZ=s0-d-e1-ft

It’s typical hallway chat for a Thursday— the day a student chants Torah and leads the student body in a discussion about its teachings. At Mirowitz, leading the Torah service is a rite of passage that begins in third grade. By that time, students can adequately decipher ancient texts, apply trope (chanting notations), contemplate possible interpretations and serve as a spiritual leader.

8DkfioAzCer_DY7csjwx0MQ71nvPLugLo4tk4gOY8lc-Yrcfz2z3x4z9gAqAk_5fg8IBWdPpa0RgnQYgWo4njEn7QzuvU4HXzEhMaQ=s0-d-e1-ftWe have many goals for your children when they come to us as kindergartners. We want them to learn to think deeply, to demonstrate sophistication and high-level thinking. We want them to feel inspired by Torah and its lessons and to chant its words with skill and understanding. We want them to be able to stand with poise before a large group and to speak clearly and confidently. We also want them to know that leadership is not something reserved for grown-ups.

Your children will emerge from this school as leaders and in the future you may say something like “I remember when you first read Torah in third grade. I could see then your great potential as a leader!” peZ5L_e4cfL_1D5rz1KddIzAQil6uWMvtEvOhmviZMRAKLORBaAVEIBoHtzNCaZocos63nT5cp5E2FfqTXPZRWiPFHJSztpsSP9gcg=s0-d-e1-ft

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Cheryl