Every Child Deserves Cheerleaders and Coaches

November 14, 2022

When I first became a classroom teacher, I was only 22 years old and a real newbie. I was assigned to an inclusive 5th-grade public school classroom where I immediately learned the importance of constant contact with parents, and especially about the value of conferences.

Because at conferences, parents would tell me how THEY learned as kids. They would share their fears for their children, their pride, and their insights about what was working and what was not.

And during those moments, I learned to be a better observer and listener. And I learned that every child deserves a loving team of adults who work in partnership as cheerleaders (that’s the parents’ job) and coaches (their teachers).

Fast forward, and I have raised two fabulous kids, I became a school administrator and my primary role is to understand how each student is progressing in our school.

I know for certain that we all want the same thing for your children: that they thrive in the classroom and on the playground, that they feel both challenged and successful, that they recognize the good in themselves and in each other. And even with all of the communication by text and email, conferences is the best time to make sure we all — cheerleaders and coaches — share a gameplan.

We hope you found your conferences to be productive. Thank you for taking the time to partner with us.

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Raquel