Each year during the High Holy Days, we sink into a deep reflection of ourselves. We humbly try to unravel the kind of person we want to be. Years ago, I discovered the best way to do this is to spend time with children. We have so much to learn from them!
How can children lead us toward being better people? Consider the example they set:
Children understand that keeping others safe is a mitzvah. They know that their choices have the power to impact their community, to protect their teachers and make in person school possible.
Children are adaptable. They are role models for all of us in the way they have adjusted to wearing masks without complaint. In the Kindergartener classroom, they patiently wait in line at the sink for the friend in front to recite the entire ABCs, and when it’s their turn at the sink, they scrub joyfully.
Children are unabashedly spiritual.They can talk about God and angels and death and prayer like you and I talk about the weather.
Children love learning. We can see in their expressions (even under their masks) the delight of discovering something new or mastering a skill. They are spending their days together…exploring, experimenting, writing and problem solving.
As we enter the High Holiday season, let’s follow the children. Let’s allow them to help us be more adaptable and understanding, to explore, and to contemplate our purpose on earth.
May we, like our children, strive to be our best selves today and every day.
We’ve just finished our 4th week of school…and shofar, sho good! Enjoy this photo montage recap!
Wishing you a sweet and healthy 5781.
L’Shana Tovah U’Metukah,
Morah Cheryl