Prioritizing Social Responsibility

January 23, 2020

As the Talmud says, Al shlosha d’varim! On three things the world stands. We say the same thing about Mirowitz! We stand on Academic Excellence, Jewish Knowledge and Social Responsibility. It’s our intentional weaving of all three that makes a Mirowitz childhood so unique.

When our second graders plant and tend a butterfly garden, it’s not only so they develop a deep understanding of the mix of plants that butterflies need to thrive. It’s also because they have learned that the monarchs who migrate over the midwest are endangered because of a diminishing habitat, and that they, as Jews, are obligated to be part of caring for God’s creation.

When middle school students spend time with their peers at Al Salam Day School, it’s not only to learn about one another’s religion and culture. It is also to build bridges between perceived adversaries and create a brighter future.

When kindergarteners put labels on recycle bins throughout the school, it is not only to enhance their literacy. It is to give them an opportunity to be leaders in our school and to lead the charge in caring for the earth.

This year we, your children participated in the Jewish Soldiers Project. Along with other day schools and synagogues around the country, they decorated Chanukah cards and sent them to Jewish soldiers in the US armed forces. One of our pop-up cards showed up in this photo from Rota Naval Base in Spain! Another landed at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida where St. Louisans, Kate and Robert Friedman, were delighted to see that the card they received was made by Mirowitz students! She sent this note:  “We received cards from kids to Jewish servicemembers. They are very sweet and, but we were especially “tickled” to see the Mirowitz logo on one! Just wanted to let you know that somehow, by Hashgacha Pratit, we received a reminder of our hometown. So thank you to those at Mirowitz who made it happen!”

This Monday, we will welcome more than 100 families with preschool aged children to engage in acts of social responsibility. This is is just a taste of how we honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. at Mirowitz, by showing children that their actions can add holiness and make a difference. I hope you are inspired to spend MLK Day engaging with your children in acts of tikkun (repair) and discussing how they will make a positive impact this week.

Shabbat Shalom,