The joy was palpable this week! We saw actual tears of joy as parents entered the building for the first time in 18 months. Kindergartners smiled (under their masks) as they gathered under a tallis to be blessed by tearful parents. Families posed for first day photos which we were delighted to see later on Facebook! And in every classroom, teachers wasted no time building a kehillah kedosah, a holy community.
Mirowitz’s culture of kindness is no accident. It is the result of purposeful work during the first weeks of school. Your child’s teachers have already engaged them in the process of metacognition, considering the type of environment that allows them to thrive.
They have guided your children in the work of defining boundaries that will become their community rules. By doing so, we are developing a space in which students are safe to take intellectual risks and to have deep conversations about their values and beliefs.
We are committed to building that same trust among parents. We are a sacred community, a Mirowitz mishpacha (family) that treats one another with kavod (respect), and we are grateful to each of you for the role you will play in preserving our culture of kindness after a long pandemic separation.
We look forward to more in-person events this fall so you can build and rebuild friendships. This is one of the perks of choosing Mirowitz for your children.
Meanwhile…your children have beautifully transitioned from the looseness of summer to the structure of school. They began writing their first narratives and listening to the first pages of a new read-aloud. They began their study of math, literacy and science, expanded their Hebrew vocabulary and participated in a discussion about the lessons of Parashat Ki Teitzei, this week’s Torah portion.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom for Curriculum Night as a parent community August 30 at 8 p.m., and again with your child’s grade level another time that week. (Please see the calendar below.)
We will use that time to provide a window into the school year that awaits your child, to give you an overview of our Hebrew and Israel curriculum, and to share other important details about this school year. Your children’s teachers have important information for you about class projects and topics of study.
Thank you for allowing us to do this work and to be your partners in raising kind, ethical children who will be our leaders one day.
Morah Cheryl