head of school blog


I see myself as the guardian of each student’s childhood, and am committed to filling their days with learning that is significant and meaningful. How do we do that at Mirowitz? Check back here weekly for a window into our school. I will post here on topics ranging academic excellence, meaningful Jewish learning and empowering children to make a difference.

– Cheryl Maayan

Parents and Teachers: A Sacred Partnership

August 30, 2021

Wonder what qualities are shared by Mirowitz teachers? For one thing, they are all curious, life-long learners who are always chasing knowledge and striving for excellence. Mirowitz teachers are committed to constructivist teaching theory — hands-on learning that leads to new perspectives and profound paradigm shifts. They...
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We’re All Smiles (Under Our Masks)

August 23, 2021

The joy was palpable this week! We saw actual tears of joy as parents entered the building for the first time in 18 months. Kindergartners smiled (under their masks) as they gathered under a tallis to be blessed by tearful parents. Families posed for first...
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