Constructing Knowledge
September 6, 2015
It’s all over the news and the reason our legislators are taking a hard look at the state of our education program. Teaching to the test just doesn’t work. It results in unsatisfied teachers and a narrow curriculum…and rarely higher test scores. At Mirowitz, our...
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Butterfly Blessings
May 18, 2015
THE LESSONS IN BUTTERFLY BLESSINGS I learned a few simple lessons from the blessings of second graders this Tuesday. The students witnessed the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butterflies these past few weeks. They observed, collected data and became intrigued by their life cycle. And when the...
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May 3, 2015
(Watch the siddur ceremony here!) When you are reciting Mah Tovu, theBarechu or even theShema, what do you think about? Do you say the words without really knowing their intention? If so, you likely have much in common with the person sitting next to you...
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April 19, 2015
Have you ever felt like a fish who jumped out of the water so you could describe water to a human? Our middle school students had the opportunity to do something similar yesterday: explain what it means to be Jewish to their peers from Christ...
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Strangers in the land of Egypt…
April 4, 2015
You were strangers in the land of Egypt… Lessons about Passover have been rich and deep this past month. Mirowitz students have become intimate with the hagaddah, Pesach songs and blessings. And they know that Passover is more than a meal, but rather a retelling...
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What’s Jewish about Science?
March 29, 2015
What’s Jewish about Science? I chanced upon a group of environmental engineers in fourth grade this week. They were working in pairs, designing compost bins and discussing the efficacy of various materials, design shape and access points to turning the compost. On my way downstairs,...
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Educating “Generation Swipe”
March 20, 2015
Educating “Generation Swipe” Our students are the first generation to live their entire lives in a digital world. In fact, they are being called “Generation Swipe,” having been born after the iphone and ipad taught humanity to swipe for a new image or page or...
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A View from the Balcony
March 15, 2015
A VIEW FROM THE BALCONY Jewish life allows us to carve out time, to take a break from our frenetic lives, and to take a view from the balcony. We gather with our families, bring in the light of Shabbat, and consume our minds with...
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Making a Difference
March 9, 2015
HOW KINGS, QUEENS AND SUPERHEROES (AND OTHER COSTUMED KIDS) MAKE BIG A DIFFERENCE! Kids love Purim! Can you blame them? They get to dress in costume, make loud noises and eat hamantaschen. They parade…they sing…they get their faces painted. And to top off all that...
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February 28, 2015
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOURISTS AND ACTIVISTS How does a field trip to Jefferson City turn social studies into leadership development that ensures our future? For one thing, Mirowitz students don’t go to our state capitol as tourists. They go as activists. Tourists sit in the...
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