head of school blog


I see myself as the guardian of each student’s childhood, and am committed to filling their days with learning that is significant and meaningful. How do we do that at Mirowitz? Check back here weekly for a window into our school. I will post here on topics ranging academic excellence, meaningful Jewish learning and empowering children to make a difference.

– Cheryl Maayan

Black History Month Offers Mirrors and Windows

March 6, 2023

By:  Morah Shannon, Director of Instruction Throughout the month of February, we lifted up the voices of those who have been marginalized and gave Mirowitz students an opportunity to understand aspects of Black history, culture and contributions. Powerful learning creates both “windows” and mirrors, and...
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What Difference Does a Jewish Day School Make?

March 6, 2023

Prospective parents ask that question all the time. There are so many ways to answer it. I’ll start with the empirical evidence. National studies on day school graduates show that: Day school grads express an extraordinary sense of responsibility toward influencing social values, helping those in need...
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Let’s Get Together

February 6, 2023

You may have chosen Mirowitz for your children, but you get something valuable for yourself as well: a community of families, teachers who value your partnership, and administrators who are here to support you. As we approach the third anniversary of a pandemic that kept...
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Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue

January 23, 2023

“Action is the only remedy to indifference: the most insidious danger of all.” — Eli Weisel This week, we remember the tireless equity work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and we will celebrate Black history month in February. During these specified days and always, we...
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Greening Chanukkah

December 2, 2022

Daylight hours are waning, the cold is settling in, and  I am reminded of a story in Tractate Avodah Zarah (Babylonian Talmud) in which our rabbis speak of Adam, the first person ever created, who experienced this season for the first time:    Because Adam,...
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Every Child Deserves Cheerleaders and Coaches

November 14, 2022

When I first became a classroom teacher, I was only 22 years old and a real newbie. I was assigned to an inclusive 5th-grade public school classroom where I immediately learned the importance of constant contact with parents, and especially about the value of conferences....
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The Blessing at the End of the Story

October 19, 2022

Have you ever read a story, watched a film or maybe taken a trip where at the end of that story, film or trip, you are not the same person you were at the beginning? Something in that experience left you different, more awake, more...
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The Hard Work of Tshuvah (Righting Mistakes)

September 30, 2022

Aren’t we fortunate that Judaism gives us an annual opportunity to begin with a clean slate? But acquiring that clean slate takes the hard work of tshuvah, apologizing for both intentional and unintentional wrongdoings. For Eric and me, it was important to raise our children...
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Banned Books Offer Windows and Mirrors

September 19, 2022

There is nothing new about book banning. As early as the 13th century, books have been censored by totalitarians seeking to oppress free speech.  In 1933, Nazis burned books, many written by Jewish intellectuals, at libraries and universities. Isn’t it erie to see book bans...
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Joyful Engagement

September 6, 2022

I’m pretty sure I have spoken with every single child at Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School. I know what books they are reading and their favorite Paw Patrol episodes. Older students have shared details about their experience at overnight camp, their love for a specific class, and...
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