Hebrew at Mirowitz is not taught as a foreign language. Rather, it is considered a communicative heritage language, and we learn it not to understand the other, but to understand ourselves.
If you don’t speak Hebrew, bring along someone to translate when you come visit our Hebrew classrooms (or watch it here). Lessons are ivrit b’ivrit — Hebrew in Hebrew — and even our students have at times suspected (incorrectly) that their teachers don’t speak English.
Daily lessons focus on Modern Hebrew with exposure to Biblical Hebrew. Teachers incorporate literature, newspapers, skits and games to bring the Hebrew language to life, and connect students with the language of their heritage.
By the end of kindergarten, students have a Hebrew vocabulary of more than 250 words; by third grade, they can chant Torah and carry on simple conversations; by fifth grade, they are prepared to spend 36 hours speaking only Hebrew at “Hebrew Camp” — created to resemble the Tzofim (Israeli Scout) experience and to celebrate all our students have learned.
In Middle School, our students enhance their conversational and writing skills. They follow current events in Hebrew, become familiar with the work of Israeli poets, songwriters and storytellers, and prepare for their 8th grade trip to Israel — a beautiful culmination to nine years of Hebrew study!
Children who learn a foreign language before age 10 are not only more likely to become proficient in the language, but demonstrate improved overall school performance and superior problem-solving skills. And for our students, there is an added benefit: a level of Jewish self-assurance and a profound commitment to Israel and the Jewish people.