Come On In

April 1, 2022

The power of being in a room with others is astonishing. Have you felt it too? After two years of seeing you in carpool lines and computer screens, we are feeling it almost tangibly every time you come through our doors.

We were the lucky ones who got to spend our days with your children, watching their ideas develop, their creativity flourish, their confidence grow. But you’ve seen that only in 2D…until recently.

And we can see in your expressions all you have missed: We notice your tears as you watch your children read Torah and witness them leading others in deep discussion. We heard your laughter in the live audience of the 4th grade production. We read the words you choose when you loved Mirowitz out loud (on Facebook) after serving lunch. And we feel the ruach in the gym each Friday afternoon when you show up to help us end our week and begin Shabbat.

It is a thrill to invite you back into the joyful sense of learning, community and deep Jewish conversation that is Mirowitz. It’s been a LONG two years, and we are grateful that you have trusted us…without seeing us. Thankfully, that separation is over!

So come on in!

Join us on Fridays for a Shabbat Shmooze at 2:30 p.m. and Kabbalat Shabbat at 3 p.m.  Come to one of the Pop-Up playdates planned by our energetic and loving Ruach committee.

You chose Mirowitz for your children, but it’s YOUR school, too. Come breathe the collective energy in the room. See the magic that Mirowitz teachers create every day. And feel for yourself the joyful Jewish community that embraces your children.


Shabbat Shalom,
