head of school blog


I see myself as the guardian of each student’s childhood, and am committed to filling their days with learning that is significant and meaningful. How do we do that at Mirowitz? Check back here weekly for a window into our school. I will post here on topics ranging academic excellence, meaningful Jewish learning and empowering children to make a difference.

– Cheryl Maayan

Sum Greater Than Its Parts

September 21, 2014

A SUM GREATER THAN ITS PARTS Those of us who claim that we are “not math people,” are mistaken. This outdated idea comes from an assumption that we have a natural ability to learn or not learn mathematics. In reality, what matters more than natural...
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Cultivating Reading

September 15, 2014

Cultivating a Love of Reading Books take us to distant times and spaces, quench ourdesire to learn, relax us and energize us, and they fill our neshamot, our souls.At Mirowitz, cultivating a love of reading is among the most important things we do.  How do we do it?...
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Tekiah Gedolah

September 8, 2014

What will be YOUR Tekiah Gedolah?  The best part of being a rabbi’s daughter was listening to my dad’s inspiring sermons. One year on Yom Kippur he spoke about the tekiah gedolah, the great shofar blast. He challenged everyone in the congregation to think about creating their...
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September 2, 2014

I often ask myself, “What would happen if children spent their time thinking about world issues that needed their help? What if children recognized the power that they have to make a positive difference?”  Our middle school trips are designed to do just that…to focus...
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Tending ponds and children

August 25, 2014

Our Kindergarten students have a big responsibility. They are guardians of the school’s pond,and this week, they began learning how to nurture it. They enlisted the help of Middle Schoolers who tested the pond’s water quality, identifying balanced Ph, clear turbidity, but too little oxygen. With...
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Ideas that Color the World…

August 20, 2014

Ideas that color the world… The grown-ups in the room didn’t have to say a word. Given the opportunity to share their insights, our students said it all. If you’d been at our opening assembly Thursday, you would have witnessed it, too. A second grader...
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