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I see myself as the guardian of each student’s childhood, and am committed to filling their days with learning that is significant and meaningful. How do we do that at Mirowitz? Check back here weekly for a window into our school. I will post here on topics ranging academic excellence, meaningful Jewish learning and empowering children to make a difference.

– Cheryl Maayan

How Good and How Pleasant It Is

September 27, 2021

Sukkot brings people outdoors. People who like power tools and construction, people who like to eat with guests, and people who like to shake the lulav. And this year, we are rejoicing a little extra because for the first time in 18 months, Sukkot has...
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Becoming Our Best Selves

September 20, 2021

It’s not by accident that Mirowitz students celebrate the unique qualities of their classmates. They celebrate the classmate who is wildly knowledgeable about dinosaurs or history, or who has a knack for art or math. They recognize that one peer has a great sense of...
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And Now We Turn From Sadness to Joy

April 19, 2021

“And now we turn from sadness to joy…” My dad said those words every Friday night when he would transition his congregation from the mourners’ kaddish to the Shabbat kiddush. I thought of them yesterday as our students rose the Israeli flag from half mast,...
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Remembering the Holocaust

April 12, 2021

Each year at this time, we commemorate the tragedy of the Holocaust, and also the internal strength of those who resisted and fought against the Nazis. In fact, the official name for the day, selected by the Knesset in 1951, is Yom HaZikaron La’Sho’ah u’La-Gevurah, the Day...
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Passover and Lessons in Empathy

April 5, 2021

You should not wrong a stranger…for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Our seder demands us to demonstrate empathy and to imagine that we, ourselves, left Egypt. And truth be told, it’s not all that hard to see ourselves in the shoes of...
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Changing the End of the Story

March 1, 2021

When the Jews in Shushan were in peril, they adapted. They cleverly found a way to change the ending of the story. Yes! They were survivors, and in the end, the silver lining of their troubles was the moments of joy that Purim celebrations bring...
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Raising Children to Make Good Choices

September 14, 2020

During this Jewish month that leads up to the Days of Awe, we reflect on our own actions and behaviors, and recalibrate with intentions of being our best selves in the coming year. Lucky for us, Elul falls at the beginning of the school year,...
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Tamhui and the meaning of Chanukah!

December 16, 2019

Baby Tom and Baby Huey showed up at Mirowitz last Friday. It was a terrible miscommunication. The costumed Coach Gary and Morah Shannon thought we were introducing Tom and Huey, but we really meant to introduce Tamhui, our school’s Chanukah tzedakah collection. Good sports that they are,...
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Israel is in Our Hearts

November 18, 2019

Rockets have rained down on Israel over the past three days sending our friends and relatives who live there to bomb shelters. Schools have been closed and the country has been on heightened alert. Here at Mirowitz, we join Jewish communities around the world in...
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Simchat Torah and The First Read Aloud

October 23, 2019

At Mirowitz, our students appreciate the opportunity to sink into a beanbag chair and enjoy a delicious read-aloud. Little do they know that the read-aloud is not the creation of Audible or even modern literacy educators, but of our ancestor, Ezra, who is credited with...
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