Lessons That Can’t Be Taught In A Textbook
September 4, 2018
What if young teens spent their middle school years thinking about important world issues instead of the typical worries about popularity and or awkward social situations? We asked ourselves this question seven years ago as we prepared to launch our first middle school social justice trip....
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Raising Children to Make Good Choices
August 28, 2018
We love Elul at Mirowitz! During this Jewish month that leads up to the Days of Awe, we reflect on our own actions and behaviors, and recalibrate with intentions of being our best selves in the coming year. Lucky for us, Elul falls at the...
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What difference does Jewish Day School make?
February 27, 2018
Prospective parents ask that question all the time. There are so many ways to answer it. I start with the empirical evidence. Studies show that:
• Day school graduates express an extraordinary sense of responsibilitytoward influencing social values, helping those in need and affecting social change. 100 percent...
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October 20, 2017
Every so often, prospective parents ask what we are NOT teaching to make time for Jewish studies. The answer is this: Education is not a zero-sum situation. The time children spend in Judaic studies is part of the reason they will excel academically and shine...
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Lessons That Cannot Be Taught In A Textbook
September 5, 2017
I often ask myself, “What would happen if children spent their time thinking about world issues that needed their help? What if children recognized the power that they have to make a positive difference?” Our middle school trips are designed to do just that…to focus the...
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June 22, 2017
Graduates, it was our dream to give you a childhood filled with meaningful learning and significant experiences. We want you to know that each moment was intentional. Perhaps you thought it was by chance that we sent you outdoors to learn about the prairie, the...
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Why does this story matter?
February 24, 2017
Until this week, most of us had never cared for a cemetery. But this week, as eyes from around the world focused on St. Louis in horror when our a historical Jewish cemetery was vandalized. Why does this story matter? Reb Scott and Morah Aura...
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“How do you know our students are prepared?”
January 25, 2017
I am often talking about how well we prepare our students. I’ve shared anecdotes about their success in high school, about the colleges they attend and the merit scholarships they receive. At our parent coffee this week, I shared numerical data as well: 2014 and...
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Lessons that Cannot be Taught from a Textbook
September 2, 2016
What would it take for you to risk everything (money, comforts, safety) for a cause? What cause would compel you to be “all in”? Our middle school students dug deep inside themselves to answer this question this week. In a lodge near a lake in...
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The Outcome
August 26, 2016
One day, you’ll be staring the results of your parenting in the face, and you’ll be smiling. I know, because I just had that moment. This past Tuesday, Jon and I moved our son, Gabe, into his college dorm room and watched him launch into...
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