Fail Forward
December 15, 2014
STEAM TEACHES A LIFE LESSON: FAIL FORWARD Wondering what kind of educators would expect children to fail? Here at Mirowitz, we teach children to “fail forward. Innovators have to live with uncertainty, ambiguity, failure and resilience. They have to experiment by designing and re-designing and...
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December 6, 2014
Pluralism: An Energetic Engagement with Diversity What does it mean to be a member of a pluralistic Jewish community? Exploring this question has become part of our school’s strategic plan, and we invite you to join the conversation with us. If we each deepen our...
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Your Extra Time
December 1, 2014
How will you use your extra time? Reb Scott posed that question to inquiring middle schoolers before they left for Thanksgiving vacation. Taking in the sobering events of last night, our teen students considered what they could do over this holiday to participate in the...
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November 23, 2014
#GivingTuesday Allows The World to Think Like Mirowitz Students When Mirowitz students learn about something that needs help, they want to pitch in. The prairie has been nearly destroyed? They restore it! People don’t have enough to eat? They bring in extra cans for the...
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The Ball is Rolling!
November 9, 2014
We’ve made sports a priority this year, and the ball is rolling on our Mirowitz Sports Initiative! Why the emphasis on athletics? Participating in sports reaps enormous benefits for children. Teamwork, gracious sportsmanship and perseverance are skills that lead to success in life. We also...
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A Conundrum
October 26, 2014
Here’s the conundrum. We want our students to be active, vocal participants in their communities and governments. At the same time, we want to protect them from highly charged politics and events that would frighten them. So what is a school like Mirowitz to do...
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The First Read Aloud
October 19, 2014
THE FIRST READ ALOUD At Mirowitz, our students appreciate the opportunity to sink back into a beanbag chair and enjoy a delicious read-aloud. Little do they know that the read-aloud is not the creation of modern literacy educators, but of our ancestor, Ezra, who is...
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October 13, 2014
Every year on Sukkot, I make an effort to find myself outdoors…eating in a Sukkah, hiking in the woods, riding my bike. No matter what I’m doing, spending time immersed in nature inspires me in the same ways: I gain perspective that I am part...
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An Accounting of the Soul
October 5, 2014
Each year on Yom Kippur, we engage in heshbon hanefesh, an accounting of the soul. This tradition has taught us to be both reflective of our behaviors and committed to personal improvement. At Mirowitz, we engage in self-reflection and continuous improvement as a habit. It’s like institutional heshbon...
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Learning From Children
September 28, 2014
Each year during the High Holy Days, we sink into a deep reflection of ourselves. We humbly try to unravel the kind of person we want to be. Lately, I have discovered how to do this every week, all year long, and I’m going to...
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