Today was our first full day in Israel. After breakfast, we headed to the Haas Promenade for Tefillah with a view of the Old City of Jerusalem. Afterwards, our tour guide talked about the siren that sounds on Yom HaShoah, and then we got to hear it for ourselves. It was an experience I can’t ever put into words. There is a sense of calm and respect that is felt throughout the entire country.
After the siren, we went to explore the tunnel of Hezekiah. We learned how it was built and the difficult conditions workers were put under. We walked through the tunnel and at times, the water was almost up to my hips. It was very tight and we all had to crouch down to fit. Walking through the tunnel is something I will always remember.
We then headed to the Emek Zurim Sifting Project site. We looked through pieces of dirt and rock for important artifacts. I found some pretty cool things like an animal jaw, an animal femur, a chunk of metal, and lots and lots of pottery.
Later, we headed over to Kol HaOt to do an art project. We discussed the story of Abraham almost sacrificing his son, Isaac. We based our project on the techniques used in that example, but the topic we explored was Theodor Herzl. We split up into groups and each made a part of the story line using shapes, patterns, and colors. When we put all of the pieces together, it looked really cool.
Our teachers then let us go to Ben Yehuda street. All of the stores were super cute, and I got some gifts for my family. We concluded the day by talking about everything we experienced. We heard things from each other’s perspective and got to see how the day’s events affected each of us. Overall, today was super busy, and filled with fun and joy. There were also so many meaningful, surreal, and even sad experiences. Thankfully, it’s only day one, and I can’t wait for the next.
Click here for more pics of City of David, Hezekiah’s Water Tunnel, Sifting Project and Kol Haot- Mapping the Journey.
By: Shauni