Tamhui and Community Unity

December 10, 2021

“What inspires me?” Students have been asking themselves that question all week. The Chanukah Tamhui project is about helping others, of course, but just as much, it’s about community unity.

Tamhui allows everyone in our community to be a part of our community tzedakah jar, and encourages children to collectively grapple with questions that have more than one answer. As a Mirowitz family, we come together to learn about heroes who are doing good in the world, to support them with a little piece of our group tzedakah, and to imprint them in our hearts.

We ended the week with Tamhui Math!

Kindergarten and first grade students counted the tokens in each jar…not once…not twice…but three times to ensure accuracy! They did so by grouping the tokens and counting by 10s. Together, they counted 1,851 tokens!

Second and third graders counted the coins, cash and checks you contributed, and added them together! In total, our collection raised $718.08. 

Fourth and fifth grades divided and multiplied, graphed and charted and announced totals at Kabbalat Shabbat.

Herzliya Loves Animals: $291.34

Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry: $136.58

Jewish Charitable Service: $105.91

The International Institute: $96.99

Earthdance Farms: $87.29

I sure wish I’d grown up with the opportunity to think about such important things at school. Your children spend their days in a place that reminds them that empathy and tzedakah are a part of “doing Jewish”. That is the gift you have given to them.

Tamhui is just one wonderful tradition children grow up with at Mirowitz! Thank you for YOUR contribution to this project and to our holy community.

Shabbat Shalom,
